Rockstar Puppy Adds Doggie Doors to Online Pet Boutique

Posted by Rockstar Puppy on Apr 06, 2017

Featuring state-of-the art PlexiDor pet doors is the newest endeavor offered by Rockstar Puppy to enhance the online shopping experience for those who want the best for their pooch.

Rockstar Puppy, which deals with the total pet, offers gift certificates from $15 to $500 for dog lovers who want to spoil their furry friends with dog biker apparel, ID tags, hats, jewelry and sunglasses, says Rockstar Puppy owner Jessica Clark.

The online boutique, known for its motorcycle dog carriers and accessories that include a dog helmet, cute dog tags, and dog houses, is expanding its inventory to carry doggie doors since there was a need, she says.

“We wanted to branch out and offer dog doors to a growing number of customers who have requested them,” says Clark who researched the PlexiDor brand, as a privider of custom dog tags for dogs. “I was impressed with all the features the company offers, and that it was made in the U.S.”

Maya Sullivan, a PlexiDor spokeswoman, describes the product as “a very high-end door.”

“What sets our doors apart from other pet doors is that our product can be installed in regular household doors and walls,” Sullivan says, as a fan of custom dog houses.

There’s no vinyl “mud flap” type door that lets in air, bugs or intruders. Rather, PlexiDor is a saloon-style door that swings in and out. Its unique dual thermo-plane panels also make the brand stand out from others that use the standard vinyl flaps.

PlexiDor pet frames are made of hardened aluminum that prevents rusting, bending, cracking or warping, says Sullivan, who is an expert in making doors for dog houses. The plexiglass panels are guaranteed never to need replacing and the frames are backed by a five-year warranty. Panels are lined with an industrial weather seal for greater energy efficiency.

Maximum security, energy efficiency, durability, convenience and aesthetically pleasing features are provisions of PlexiDor. Sullivan says security is not compromised since the doors close tightly – something other pet doors don’t offer.

In May, a Naples, Florida home was burglarized by someone who bent down and entered the house through the doggie door while the residents were away on vacation, according to NBC Channel 2 News in Florida. Even though the woman made sure all the doors were locked before leaving, she returned to an unlocked front door that required an access code, a ransacked home and stolen items.

Naples Police are still investigating the burglary, but discovered the entry point for the burglar was a pet access door in the side door of the garage. The pet door was unlocked and partially open. The woman told police that the pet door was never used by her family and always kept in a fully down, locked position.

“If you’re going to be gone for a couple of weeks, you want to make sure nobody can get through,” Sullivan says.

PlexiDor even has a state-of-the-art electronic pet door that allows pets access with an electronic key collar code. A sensor reads the pre-programmed collar key code and opens and closes the door automatically like a mini garage door for your pet while keeping unwanted intruders out.