Pet Communicator Class Added to Rockstar Puppy Specialties

Posted by Rockstar Puppy on Apr 06, 2017

If only your pets could talk. Well, they can. And there’s a way to find out what they’re saying to and about you.

Your canine companion can talk to you, and pet communicator Danielle MacKinnon can explain how you can converse with your four-legged friend.

“She’s an amazing pet communicator,” says Jessica Clark, Rockstar Puppy owner who has specialty in motorcycle pet carriers. “She speaks with animals telepathically. I’ve used her myself.”

While Rockstar Puppy’s specialty is in pet accessories like a customized helmet for dogs, motorcycle dog carrier and custom dog ID tags, pet health is also featured. There are tips on keeping your pets healthy, using CPR for emergencies and the site now offers healing crystals that can be put on dog collars.

Pets are unable to tell their owners when they aren’t feeling well or if something is wrong so Rockstar Puppy’s online pet boutique will offer a complimentary online Beginner Animal Communication Class by MacKinnon for the winner of Rockstar Puppy’s monthly contest.

A renowned soul contract consultant, who uses her gift of intuition, MacKinnon is a coach for human and animal behavior. She advises on the relationships between the two with the ultimate goal of helping them find happiness.

MacKinnon says she communicates with pets and their human partners to help animals and their people understand each other better, shared custom dog houses provider, Clark. Pet owners can benefit from MacKinnon’s sessions that may reveal not only how your pet feels about you, but what might be troubling or ailing you and your loyal pooch.

After MacKinnon asks the name of your animal, she will even ask, “Why are you in this person’s life?” The animal may respond that they are stressed because their human companion is stressed and they want them to work on reducing or decreasing the stress together.

“Animals are willing to sacrifice themselves, they make themselves uncomfortable to really help humans,” she says, citing accounts when family pets detect their owner’s illness before the owner even knows.

MacKinnon assures us that we can develop some of the same communication abilities animals have.

“Ultimately, animals want to help humans feel love – unconditional love. This is what the soul is seeking out in all these various ways,” MacKinnon says. They are helping people learn to experience that through every conceivable disease, happiness, event. They are working tirelessly to do this for us.”

She speaks about animals and the human “soul contract” that is based on the idea that animals are in certain human’s lives to help them heal.

“The animal may present a certain, weird behavior,” MacKinnon says. “The animal may present a sickness. The animal may act up. But that is because they are doing this to point something out to us in our own lives that we can heal”.
That “something” can include finding passion, making more money, or getting in a better relationship.

She says people tend to only relate animal’s existence to companionship, but that is a small aspect of them helping humans. And just as the animal “soul contract” extends to human “soul contracts,” people also learn how to deal with relationship issues.