Rockstar Puppy

Dog Bow Tie - Flower Bow 1

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  • Pink with Pink ribbon

  • Easy on attachment

  • Gem accents on ribbon

  • Fits on almost any collar

  • Touch fastener fastening


Let your little furry friend feel like a beautiful part of your family by adding this adorable Easy Bow Tie to your pooch’s collar! This cute dog bow tie is perfect for parties where you want your four-legged member to look like a gentleman. This puppy bow tie is simple to use and has an elastic strap with a touch fastener you can use to attach and adjust it to your pup’s collar. If you would like to see other designer dog accessories, please check out our puppy boutique. You can order this adorable dog bow tie for your pup too. Order it now!

 Measurement: 3.25 inches across