A Few Tips on Potty Training your Adult Dog

Posted by Rockstar Puppy on Apr 05, 2017

A Few Tips on Potty Training your Adult Dog

Our dogs mean the world to us. Whenever we have an adorable, loveable puppy, we like to do a lot of fun things with them—like walk them, take them to the beach, and especially dress them up in amazing designer dog clothes. There are a lot of different things to do with a dog, especially since they’re truly our best friends. Even if they don’t appreciate the designer dog clothes we dress them up in as much as we do, they still stay true to us until the very end.

Because having a pet dog is such a load of fun, the idea of potty training doesn’t really strike us as that exciting. Actually, potty training a dog can seem like a real bore! Who wants to teach a dog how to go to the bathroom when you can be dressing up that little cutie in a new leopard print dress, or taking it out on a walk with a fancy magenta dog collar with shimmering diamonds? Unfortunately, dogs need to be trained, and going to the potty on a pee pad doesn’t come too naturally for them.

Adult dogs can be tough to train. At least when they’re puppies you can teach them habits that will stick around for life. With an adult dog, it’s harder to train them since they’re already used to the way they do things. Don’t be discouraged, though! You can teach old dogs new tricks! Here are a few tips to potty train an adult dog indoors:

1) One step you can take is to go to the vet. The vet can make sure that your dog doesn’t have a medical problem preventing him or her from going. Problems like diabetes and hormone-related issues can actually be the reason why your dog has trouble being potty trained.

2) Find a location where you want your dog to go to the bathroom. This spot will be her spot to go. When she has to go to the potty, she’ll know exactly where it is. Make sure it is in an accessible location that she won’t have difficulty getting to. For example, don’t put her bathroom in the basement if the poor dog can’t even walk up and down your steps. Putting her bathroom in a part of the house that she feels comfortable in is also a good idea.

3) When your dog knows where to go, make sure you have plenty of treats and hands for applause available. Adult dogs will love being rewarded after they go to the bathroom on the pee pads, and when you praise him, he’ll know it’s good. Most of the time, dogs get just as excited as you do when you clap your hands in approval. You’ll see that little tail wag about uncontrollably.

4) Having a backyard with a very reliable fence is also a good idea. If your dog isn’t the greatest at going indoors, it’s never a bad idea to teach him or her to go outside. Your pet will most likely scratch at the backyard door to go outside and will let you know if he or she needs to go.

5) If your dog tends to go infrequently, try to set up a stable diet for him or her.This way, you’ll know when she has to go, which will give you plenty of time to prepare her to go on the pee pad or to go outside.

6) Artificial turf dog potties are another option. These are grass liter boxes that help to potty train your dog. They work great for patios and are easy to clean.

There you have it! These are just a few ways to train an adult dog. Remember, old dogs can learn new tricks, even if it’s just being to have them potty trained.